I mentioned in my last post that I had a very nice surprise to share with you today: No, I am not pregnant. Me, and my brand new bouncing baby blog, have received our Very First Award. May I introduce you to:
Not quite as suprising as being pregnant would have been, but much less expensive and far more manageable.
My heartfelt and sincere thanks (and Happy Birthday!) go to Kathy from Creative Home Expressions.
Here are the rules as I understand them:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
So here we go.
"7 Things You Never Knew and Probably Never Even Considered Wanting To Know" about me.
1. My name is Joyce and I always hated it growing up. I only wanted to be called (and for a while only answered to) Julie. Now I like my own name better since it's a name you do not hear all the time. And guess what my MIL's name is? Julie. Figures, huh?
2. My biggest dream growing up was to be a mom and housewife. Um... no seriously. I could not wait to have a home to look after since I was about 7. I am lucky enough to be living out this dream with many thanks to my hardworking and super-supportive hubby.
3. I have been interested in and studied decorating magazines since I was about 10 years old. There were 3 Christmases in a row that my Santa Lists included new pillows and curtains for my bedroom.
4. I have a completely unjustified Fear of Flying and have to get over it within 3 weeks for our trip to Disney.
5. I think I like Disney more than my 6 year old. You know, after the whole "airplane" part.
6. I am running out of things to say.
7. Discovering this world of blogging has been one of the greatest and most fun joys of this past year! It truly has been a pleasure "meeting" all of you!
Now on to the recipients. (in no particular order)
1. Leigh @ Tales from Bloggeritaville. A great name, great lady and a great host of Thrifty Thursday parties!
2. Barb @ Treasures from the Heart for sharing so so many unique and heartfelt.. well... Treasures!
3. Jacey @ One Man's Trash is My Treasure for sharing all her creative, unique and fun ideas and projects with so much enthusiasm.
4. Donna @ Funky Junk Interiors for sharing the passion for decorating and being such an inspiration to others - I swear this lady must NEVER sleep LOL!
5. Lilia @ 2 Brown Eyed Beauties for all the excellent DIY decorating tips. One of the first couple of blogs I stumbled upon and was instantly interested. She had me at "Laundry Room".
6. Michelle @ Me and My Scraps for sharing so many wonderful tips and ideas: Scrapping, Cardmaking, Decorating, Baking, etc.. etc.. etc.. She can do it all I think!
7. Nicole @ BugaBoos Creations - another talented *multi* tasker! Tons of projects and repurposing ideas to be found at her blog.
And, now I gotta tell ya: It was so hard stopping at 7!!
I hope you all have a Wonderful, Happy, and Safe Halloween Weekend!~
Smiles and Hugs,